SMILES is an acronym for Sanitation, Mother & Child Care, Immunization, Lifestyle modification, Education, Screening
Impacted over 60,000 people through our SMILES Prevention Program
*Providing safe drinking water to 15000 people through three RO plants.
*Open-Defecation Free villages through construction of 650 toilets
*Sneha program - Promoting menstrual hygiene by addressing all the three aspects of awareness, accessibility and affordability.
*Distributing over a million pads as of April 2020
*Building capacities of ASHAs, Anganwadi teachers and ANMs
*Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) prevention program through active lifestyle promotion and screening at door step in 8000 people.
*Model Primary Health Center
*Renovation of Health Sub-center at Burgula village.
*Monthly medical camps conducted through specialists.
*Village Clean-up
*Bharat Bachpan program to address malnutrition, Infant Mortality rate in India.
*AMMA program addresses Maternal Mortality Rate.
*CPR training camps.
*Tubal Ligation camps.
*Supporting the healthcare system.
*Oral cancer screening and prevention camp.
*Vision, Hearing, Dental Hygiene camps organized periodically.
*Blood donation camps organized repeatedly.
*Hemoglobin checks, Periodic deworming etc.
*Refer villagers for medical care in the city.