Providing Benches to All High Schools in Farooqnagar Mandal
Majority of the students in the high schools of Farooqnagar Mandal, Ranga Reddy district, Telangana, used to sit on the floor. Just imagine the cramped position in which they had to sit and that, too, in the dust on the unclean floor, a breeding ground for diseases waiting to happen. It goes without saying that due to this lack of minimum comfort their learning at school surely was taking a big hit.
Pragathi Welfare Society was sensitized to this issue and took swift action in collaboration with Rotary Club. They purchased and donated 600 benches to all the mandal high schools, keeping the welfare of the students in mind. Previously, 250 benches were placed in the high school and seven primary schools of Burgula. The entire project costed around Rs. 18 lakhs. We are sure that the returns from that investment will be thousand-fold in the form of better education for current and future generation of students to come. We hope this small effort on our part will inspire other patrons to come forward to address similar situations in schools in their own villages and mandals.